Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Researchers at Four

My students started their sleeping/bed research today. 

What does this look like with four year olds? 

Sticky Notes!

I put out small sticky notes near the non-fiction books.  I told them if they found an interesting picture or something in the book that caught their eye, they could ask a grown up to read it to them.  It they thought it was worth sharing with the class, they should put a sticky note on that page and we would share it at group time.
If it caused them to pose a question, we would add it to the chart that we started with our web.

Today, this sticky note research caused us to discuss whether or not we slept with pets on our beds at home-we will be graphing that for our morning attendance question tomorrow. 

Another child found a cool picture about a sleep clinic and we discussed hospitals where they study sleep. 
The last one we looked at for the day was one about yawning.  This one was fun and we decided to do a little experiment.  We read that if someone yawns in front of you a few times, you start yawning.  I did it in front of them and many started yawning.  So they were eager to go home and try it with their parents.
There are several other sticky notes in books that we did not get to today.

Four year olds-doing research!

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